WINDOW ON THE PAST welcomes contact from anyone interested in the history of Upton Grey. If you have historical information to add to our database, or if you would like to take part in the project, we would love to hear from you.
Interested in the history of Upton Grey?
If you are interested in carrying out new research into the history of Upton Grey, we would love to talk to you. We have identified lots of areas that would make interesting mini-projects, or you may have your own particular area of interest. We would be delighted to provide any help and guidance we can, including for school projects.
If you have any new historical material to share, please send it to us at the email address below. We would love to discuss it with you. Equally, if you have any comments on our historical Entries in the database let us know. We can easily update them to correct or expand the information.
We have our own social media pages to host conversations on the history of Upton Grey. Find us on Facebook: @ugwindowonthepast or Instagram: @Upton_Grey_WindowOnThePast
Information on Upton Grey can also be found on the Upton Grey Church website: